- 自分で決めたことの結果を甘受する
abide by the consequences of one's decision 意味
- "abide by promise"の英語
- "abide by someone's precepts"の英語
- "abide by someone's wishes"の英語
- "abide by the agreement of"の英語
- "abide by the cease-fire resolution"の英語
- "abide by the decision of the court"の英語
- "abide by the decision of the majority"の英語
- "abide by the government's interpretation of the constitution"の英語
- "abide by the law"の英語
- "abide by the agreement of"の英語
- "abide by the cease-fire resolution"の英語
- "abide by the decision of the court"の英語
- "abide by the decision of the majority"の英語